After Sutekh Last Season, Doctor Who Season 15 Appears To Be Setting Up A Main Villain From The Fifth Doctor’s Era
Doctor Who is famously very secretive when it comes to new episodes, and this new trailer is no different. Other than a few glimpses of familiar worlds and new creatures, the trailer didn’t reveal much about the plot of Doctor Who season 15 – but there’s enough to spark some curiosity. Despite the mixed reception of the show’s previous season, one aspect that was widely praised was Russell T. Davies’ dedication to bringing back an older feature of the classic show through Sutekh. Now, it seems as though he may be repeating that trick with his next season.
Doctor Who Season 15’s Trailer Teases Deadly Games – Is It The Eternals From “Enlightenment?”
The Classic Story May Be Making A Comeback
Doctor Who’s Pantheon & Eternals Are Essentially The Same Thing
There Are Many Similarities Between The Two Groups
The main evidence for the Eternals returning in Doctor Who’s upcoming season, beyond the language of “games” used in the trailer, is the introduction of the Pantheon in season 14. This was the concept that allowed Sutekh to make his return, retconning several of Doctor Who’s scariest aliens from the past into deities that exist within a Pantheon of Gods, with Sutekh as their supposed leader. Examples included The Toymaker, The Trickster, and another important villain from the fifth Doctor’s era, the Mara. However, there are still many unknown members of the Pantheon.
It’s entirely possible that the remaining members of Doctor Who’s Pantheon of Gods could end up being Eternals, and season 15 would be the perfect opportunity for them to make their return. Perhaps the Time Lord’s interactions with Maestro and the Toymaker brought him back into their sights, or perhaps they’re looking to claim the throne that Sutekh left behind. There are countless possibilities, but this certainly seems like an interesting path for Doctor Who to take. It would also be an excellent opportunity for the show to try something new while simultaneously incorporating elements from the classic era.
Mrs. Flood Could Be Another Of Doctor Who’s Eternals
The Enigmatic Character Definitely Has A Secret
While this theory stops short of explaining how Mrs. Flood is able to break the fourth wall and speak directly to the audience, everything else about her background and personality seems to add up.
Doctor Who Season 14 Could Be A Sequel To “Enlightenment” The Same Way Season 14 Followed “Pyramids Of Mars”
RTD Seems To Be Blending The Old With The New
Before the events of “Empire of Death”, many Doctor Who fans would have scoffed at the idea of the Eternals returning to the modern series. The idea of bringing back such an obscure villain from a single episode over forty years ago is something that’s not common in Doctor Who, but it worked excellently with Sutekh. The entire season ended up being a loose sequel to “Pyramids of Mars,” which was the perfect compromise to please new audiences while giving long-time viewers something to get excited about.
If Mrs. Flood does end up being the main villain of Doctor Who season 15, then revealing her to be an Eternal would pull off a similar trick. It would be an exciting twist that pays homage to “Enlightenment” while introducing new audiences to the serial for the first time, just like the previous season did with “Pyramids of Mars.” Davies has spoken extensively about trying to please both audiences with his stories, staying true to the show’s history while moving forward at the same time, and this potential twist would do exactly that.