‘Where I Should Step Off’: Former Doctor Who Writer & Guest Star Explains Series Exit 7 Years Later
Mark Gatiss is known primarily for his role in the BBC’s modern adaption of Sherlock, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Gatiss played Mycroft Holmes in the adaptation created by former Doctor Who showrunner Stephen Moffat, with whom he co-wrote the series – and with whom he may be working on a revival.
Gatiss is known for his acting career, but he’s contributed heavily to British television with involvement in major shows such as already mentioned Sherlock, Dracula, and Doctor Who. Of the latter show, Gatiss has not returned to write for the sci-fi series since 2017, and now fans can know why, per Radio Times.
Gatiss’ involvement With Doctor Who and His Leaving
Gatiss started writing for Doctor Who in 2005, during Russell T Davies’ initial run as showrunner, after reviving the series after decades off-air. His first episode, “The Unquiet Dead,” saw the Doctor face off against ghost-like creatures in 19th-century London with Charles Dickens.
Gatiss, who became a recurring writer for the series, was also a frequently reoccurring actor playing multiple roles from his first appearance as Professor Lazarus to his last appearance as the father of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewert (an early ally of The Doctor during the first run of the series).
Gatiss’ last appearance in the Christmas special “Twice Upon a Time” came during the same season as his final written episode, “The Empress of Mars.” At that time, Peter Capaldi played the Twelfth Doctor. Since then, Gatiss has not returned to writing for the show, and in an interview with Radio Times, made clear the reason for his seemingly permanent departure.
“I was in Peter Capaldi’s last story, a regeneration story, with David Bradley, the actor I cast as the First Doctor, and I was playing the Brigadier’s grandfather and I remember thinking, ‘This is maybe where I should step off because it’s not going to get any better than this,’” he said.
‘This is maybe where I should step off because it’s not going to get any better than this.’

Gatiss’ Departure From The Show May Not Be Permanent
On a show like Doctor Who, a show with over 75 years worth of history, death isn’t always permanent and even final goodbyes can end up being first hellos…in a timey-whimey sort of way. No one, not even already regenerated Doctors’, is omitted from returning. And whilst Gatiss hasn’t yet returned, he said to Radio Times no one had asked him yet.
Perhaps audiences will get to watch one of his stories in the near future. For now, fans of the Whonerverse can enjoy the upcoming Christmas special starring Ncuti Gatwa with guest star Nicola Coughlin.