Doctor Who

Doctor Who Season 15 Needs To Remember What The TARDIS Really Is After That Big Sutekh Twist

Ncuti Gatwa’s first season as the Doctor forgot something very important about the TARDIS, but Doctor Who‘s upcoming return can fix that. The Doctor’s TARDIS has been a huge part of the story since the beginning of Doctor Who‘s classic era. Because every actor to play the Doctor has traveled in the famous blue box, the show wouldn’t be the same without its presence. Its representation through the sci-fi show’s decades-long history has changed slightly as the saga has progressed, but one huge piece of suggested lore was finally canonized when Doctor Who was revived in 2005.

Despite it seeming like a soft reboot, Doctor Who‘s Disney era kept all existing canon intact. So, returning showrunner Russell T. Davies could use all the lore he had already introduced during his first spell in charge, as well as stuff introduced by his predecessors. While he did make full use of this by essentially revealing Doctor Who season 14 was a stealth sequel to a Tom Baker story, Davies also neglected or forgot about certain aspects of the show’s sprawling universe. Specifically, he mishandled the TARDIS.

Doctor Who Season 14 Failed To Portray The TARDIS As A Sentient Being

The TARDIS’ agency was removed for Ncuti Gatwa’s first run as the Doctor

Sutekh in the form of a dog surrounding the TARDIS in Doctor Who season 14, episode 7.

Doctor Who first teased ages ago that the TARDIS was alive and capable of making its own independent decisions. It didn’t become part of the official canon until the revival era, but it then went on to be addressed as fact several times within the show’s universe. The biggest example is when the TARDIS’ consciousness is temporarily transferred into a human body in Doctor Who season 6, episode 4, “The Doctor’s Wife,” as Suranne Jones plays the TARDIS and speaks directly with Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor. Sadly, Doctor Who season 14 ignored this quirk.

Instead, Davies chose to write a huge twist that brought back Sutekh for the first time in decades. The storyline wouldn’t have been possible without the TARDIS, as Doctor Who‘s the One Who Waits hitched a ride on the TARDIS while remaining dormant and hidden for centuries. Other than the odd groan, the TARDIS suffered no ill effects from this Sutekh plot. As a sentient being, the space and time machine should have been able to report something being wrong to the Doctor. Instead, the TARDIS was treated like a piece of soulless machinery rather than a complex lifeform.

RTD’s TARDIS Change Made Sense After Jodie Whittaker’s Era

The Doctor’s loneliness would have been offset if the TARDIS had seemed like good company

Jodie Whittaker as Thirteenth Doctor regenerating in Doctor Who

Davies hasn’t really referenced the TARDIS’ status as a living being since he took control of the show back from Chris Chibnall. The showrunner’s return coincided with the departure of Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor, who had just started to fly solo again after leaving her companions behind as her regeneration cycle kicked in. So, as Doctors can often do, David Tennant’s Fourteenth Doctor started alone.

Although the TARDIS was still canonically alive during this time, it makes sense why Davies resisted drawing attention to that fact.

If it had immediately seemed like Fourteen had the TARDIS to keep him company, it would have reduced the impact of the storyline that had him unconsciously seeking out Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) in Doctor Who‘s 60th-anniversary specials. Similarly, Ncuti Gatwa’s Fifteenth Doctor also started without a companion, as he didn’t meet Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) until the 2023 Christmas special, “The Church on Ruby Road.” So, although the TARDIS was still canonically alive during this time, it makes sense why Davies resisted drawing attention to that fact. Unfortunately, continuing to avoid the matter hurt season 14.

Doctor Who Season 15 Is The Perfect Chance To Make The TARDIS A Proper Character Again

Davies is doing another TARDIS storyline in Gatwa’s second season

Sutekh being revealed as a long-term stowaway aboard the TARDIS at the end of Doctor Who season 14 was met with mixed reviews. While it was praised for bringing back such a deep-cut villain out of nowhere, using the TARDIS to frame his return wasn’t that big of a hit. Regardless, Sutekh-related issues with the TARDIS formed a plot that quietly permeated season 14, and the Doctor’s ship seems to be experiencing more problems in the upcoming run of episodes. So, Davies can redeem the TARDIS’ recent storyline when Doctor Who returns.

Varada Sethu’s Belinda Chandra orders the Doctor to take her home in the season 15 trailer, which Gatwa’s character struggles to do. Instead, he suggests they take the “long way round.” The implication is that the TARDIS is either disobeying his commands or is unable, for whatever reason, to operate as it would usually do. The former would be preferable, as it would give Davies a much better opportunity to re-characterize the TARDIS after Doctor Who season 14 stripped the ship of its infamous agency.

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