Doctor Who

Doctor Who: The Doctor and River in romance tropes

The Doctor and River Song love story spans three Doctor Who eras and a myriad of tropes.
ByKate Willis|
Michael N. Todaro/GettyImages

River Song is one of the most dynamic, interesting Doctor Who characters, and the equality, banter, and spark between her and the Doctor makes for one of my favorite fictional relationships. Since the Doctor is ever-changing and River Song’s timeline is running opposite (or something) to his, she’s a character who spans three different regenerations, which is more than any regular companion can say.

But River Song is no “regular” companion. She’s one of the only other Time Lords in the series, the daughter of companions Amy and Rory Pond, and a well-trained assassin. This characterization leads to some fun romantic tropes with the Doctor.

Ten and River: Strangers to Lovers?

When the Doctor (and we viewers) first meet River Song, it’s in season 4 with “Silence in the Library” and “Forest of the Dead”. She’s leading a team of archeologists, and she and the Doctor have different beliefs on how to go about their mission. She flirts with him as only a wife could, knows his real name, and references adventures they’re going to have, all while he’s annoyed and preoccupied with what’s going on in the library. My favorite moment is when she calls him “Pretty Boy”, and he’s offended.

The real tragedy is that he doesn’t know who she is, but as she tells him near the end of the two-parter, they are going to have so much time together. I think, especially since she has his screwdriver and his name, a part of him believes her, and he does all he can to save her life.

Ten and River also embody parts of the Rivals to Lovers and Right Person, Wrong Time tropes.

Eleven and River: Enemies to Lovers (but not necessarily in order)

I mentioned before that River Song is a trained assassin, but I didn’t mention that the person she has been trained, brainwashed, and controlled to kill is the Doctor himself. After a couple more chance meetings where he doesn’t seem to recognize her but is intrigued, their romance plotline begins and the enemies part of it comes to the forefront. My favorite is how giddy and flirty the Doctor is in her presence, and how the absolutely married flirting continues through their relationship even before they’re officially married.

Eleven and River also embody the Fated Mates trope to some extent since we know they end up together in their future.

Twelve and River: Second Chance Romance

If the Eleventh Doctor era is the golden age of their relationship including their wedding, then the Twelfth Doctor era is a disappointment with how little River Song shows up. Instead, the Doctor is focused on his friendship with Clara, finding out why he chose this face, and having a myriad of adventures. He doesn’t even seem to think of River Song until the Christmas special “The Husbands of River Song”.

One of the most heartbreaking moments is when River Song gives her speech about the Doctor never truly loving her and the android determines she isn’t lying because she truly believes it. The Doctor proves her wrong, and they have one last adventure and long evening together.

Twelve and River also embody the Star-Crossed Lovers trope as they are unable to ultimately be together.

Whatever point in time of their relationship, the Doctor and River are always meant to be and have fantastic chemistry.

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