Nostradamus’ Chilling Prediction: ‘Spare’ Prince Harry to Overtake William as Heir?

What did Nostradamus say about Prince William?
In 1555, Nostradamus released a book, Les Prophéties, containing 942 poetic verses called quatrains.
Over the years, these verses have been analysed with many seemingly predicting major events in the world’s history.
Nostradamus has been attributed with seemingly predicting events such as the great fire of London, both World Wars and the 9/11 attacks.
One interesting prediction Nostradamus seemingly made was that Prince Harry would one day become king.
One long passage of the book describes how the “King of the Isles” will be “driven out by force” in 2024.
Many seem to think that the passage was about King Charles – the current monarch.
It continued, reading: “Soon afterward [a disastrous war] a new king shall be anointed / Who, for a long time, will appease the earth.”

Nostradamus’ prediction for Prince William and Prince Harry
According to Mario Reading, who decoded and translated Nostradamus’ predictions in a 2009 book, this passage suggested Charles would abdicate due to “persistent attacks on both himself and his second wife”.
Mario also added that it could have been predicting Harry to replace him because as the so-called spare, he has “no mark of a king”.
Could this mean that Nostradamus predicted something terrible to befall William?
William is the current heir to the throne as King Charles’ eldest son. His three children follow behind him, and Harry is in fifth place.
This was predicted to happen in 2024 – but didn’t come to be true.
‘New’ Nostradamus’ predictions about the royal family
Elsewhere, a British psychic who has been dubbed the “new Nostradamus” made predictions about the royal family for 2025.
Craig Hamilton-Parker has quite the track record, having apparently previously predicted Covid-19, the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
Speaking to the Metro, Craig revealed his predictions for the royal family in 2025.
“Harry and Meghan will get divorced. There’s been some talk about this already I know but I first predicted this when they first got together. Harry will leave the US and return to the UK but will have more of an under-the-radar kind of role,” he predicted.
He also predicted: “It is looking good for Charles this year but Camilla will experience more health troubles.”

Royal family’s predictions for February 2025
In the 21st century, another psychic has shared some predictions for the royals in February 2025.
Speaking to JeffBet, celebrity astrologer Inbaal Honigman shared her predictions for the month ahead for the royals.
She claimed that Harry, 40, could be in for a month of “disappointment”.
A work deal is delayed and he and his family are uncertain whether this would go ahead.
“The 7 of Cups Tarot card presents a disappointment for Harry. A work deal is delayed and he and his family are uncertain whether this would go ahead,” she said.
“It’s an entertainment booking which would have included travel and the family were looking forward to it.”
Harry’s wife Meghan Markle, 43, could also be set for a “last minute house move,” according to the psychic.
“The Tower card is much feared in Tarot circles as it is a card of big, unexpected changes, such as a last minute house move, or a big career change which gives the receiver no time to prepare. It is, in fact, a lucky card, just a little bit hurried,” she said.