
Behind the Scenes: Colombia’s Vice President Confirms What We All Suspected About Meghan Markle’s Behavior at MeetX

Colombia phá vỡ âm mưu ám sát Phó Tổng thống Francia Márquez | Vietnam+  (VietnamPlus)

Tears and Tension: Meghan Markle’s Emotional Encounter with Colombia’s Vice President

In a diplomatic meeting that has shocked the world, the usually composed Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, found herself visibly emotional during a formal encounter with Colombia’s Vice President, Francia Márquez, earlier today in Bogotá. The drama unfolded when Márquez repeatedly addressed Markle simply by her first name, refusing to acknowledge her royal title of Duchess.

What was intended to be a diplomatic triumph, highlighting the strengthening ties between the UK and Colombia, quickly took a dramatic turn. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrived in Bogotá on Tuesday morning, greeted by Vice President Márquez and other Colombian dignitaries. While Markle maintained her signature smile and gracious demeanor, subtle tension arose when Márquez addressed her as “Meghan,” disregarding her royal title.

When the discussions moved to a more private setting, the tension in the air became palpable. Márquez continued to refer to Markle by her first name, despite the Duchess’s apparent expectation to be addressed as “Your Royal Highness” or “Duchess of Sussex.” According to sources close to the meeting, Markle became increasingly upset as Márquez maintained this informal mode of address.

At one point, Márquez reportedly said, “Meghan, I know you’re used to people bowing and scraping before you, but that’s not how we do things here in Colombia.” This blatant slight was the final straw for Markle, who was seen blinking back tears as she struggled to maintain her composure. Prince Harry, ever the protective husband, intervened, saying, “With respect, Vice President, my wife is to be afforded the same courtesies as any other member of the British royal family.”

Márquez, undeterred, simply shrugged and replied, “Harry, I mean no disrespect, but Meghan is not the Queen. She’s just a commoner who married into your family. In Colombia, we treat everyone equally, regardless of their titles or who they’re related to.”

The brittle silence that followed was broken only by the soft sound of Meghan Markle sniffling as she dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. Prince Harry appeared deeply uncomfortable, shifting uneasily in his seat as he watched his wife struggle to maintain her composure. After the meeting, a visibly upset Markle and a tense-looking Prince Harry hurried out of the room, avoiding eye contact with the Colombian delegation.

A spokesperson for the royal couple later issued a brief statement expressing the Duchess’s disappointment with what she perceived as the Vice President’s disregard for royal etiquette. Meanwhile, the Colombian government defended Márquez’s actions, stating, “Vice President Márquez is a proud Afro-Colombian woman who has risen to the highest levels of power through her own merit. She has no time for outdated royal protocols or paying deference to foreign aristocrats. Colombia is a democracy, not a monarchy.”

Though just one moment in the couple’s visit, this diplomatic spat has left a lasting impact. It raises questions about the future of UK-Colombia relations and highlights the challenges Meghan Markle continues to face in her role within the royal family. While the remainder of the visit went ahead, the tension lingered, marking this encounter as a significant moment in modern diplomatic history.

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