
BREAKING NEWS: Nacho Figueras “DESTROY” Prince Harry After His Outrageous Public Remarks About The Royal Family


Nacho Figaris Turns Against Harry and Meghan After Shocking Statements About the Royal Family

The polo world was rocked this week when Nacho Figaris, a close friend and frequent polo partner of Prince Harry, publicly criticized the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Figaris, considered one of the top polo players in the world, has long supported the Sussex couple. However, now he can no longer remain silent after Harry and Meghan’s series of public attacks against the British Royal Family.

The controversy began with the explosive interview of the Sussexes with a famous American television host in June 2023. In this interview, Harry and Meghan made several shocking allegations about the inner workings of the Royal Family, including accusations of racism, emotional neglect, and a lack of support from “The Firm” (the Royal Family). These allegations created a major public relations crisis for Buckingham Palace.

Although Figaris initially supported Harry and Meghan, urging the public to empathize with their situation, he has since dramatically changed his stance. In his own tell-all interview, the Argentine polo star expressed deep disappointment and growing anger towards the Sussexes for their continued attacks on the Royal Family.

“I’ve stood by Harry and Meghan for a long time because they are my friends, and I care for them, but enough is enough,” Figaris said. “What they’ve been saying about the Royal Family is completely wrong. It’s unacceptable to continue attacking the Queen, the Prince of Wales, and others in this way.”

Figaris feels that the Sussexes have been consumed by bitterness and resentment, allowing it to overshadow the goodwill and support they once received. He explained that he had personally tried to advise Harry and Meghan to take the high road and find a path to reconciliation with the Royal Family, but his advice has fallen on deaf ears. “Harry and Meghan seem to just want to destroy everything. It’s as if they have this unquenchable thirst for revenge against the institution and the family that, in many ways, gave them so much,” Figaris lamented.

The polo star particularly criticized the Sussexes’ most recent interview, in which they made further shocking claims about how Meghan was treated by the Royal Family. “These accusations are outrageous and completely untrue. The Queen has always been loving and caring toward Meghan, and the Prince of Wales welcomed her with open arms. Yet, Harry and Meghan continue to paint this picture of a cold, unfeeling family that was somehow racist and cruel to Meghan.”

Figaris is worried that the Sussexes’ relentless attacks are not just hurtful but are also seriously damaging to the monarchy. He fears that the continuous airing of private family issues in public is eroding the respect and affection the public has for the Crown.

“The Queen has devoted her entire life to serving the British people with dignity, grace, and honor. She is one of the most beloved figures in the world, yet Harry and Meghan seem determined to drag her name through the mud,” Figaris expressed sorrowfully. “I feel ashamed to even call them my friends anymore.”

He also shared that he has made multiple attempts to reach out to Harry and Meghan, desperately asking them to stop their attacks and focus on doing good for the world. But his pleas have been ignored as the Sussexes continue their confrontational stance.

“I’ve begged them, for the love of God, to stop this madness. Make peace with your family and focus on the positive things you can do for the world instead of this never-ending feud. But they won’t listen; they’re consumed by this hatred.”

When asked whether the Sussexes’ attacks on the Royal Family were motivated by revenge or simply an inability to move on, Figaris believes it is a toxic mix of both. “I think there’s a genuine sense of resentment there. They feel wronged by the institution and want revenge. But I also think there’s a difficulty in letting go and healing those wounds. They’re trapped in this negative spiral, and it’s only hurting them and everyone around them.”

Figaris hopes that one day, Harry and Meghan will find a way to reconcile with the Royal Family for their own well-being and the greater good of the monarchy. But he acknowledges that it might already be too late. “I love Harry and Meghan, truly. But I can’t defend them anymore. They’ve crossed a line. The Queen deserves better, the country deserves better. I just pray they wake up and do the right thing before it’s too late.”

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