Bombshell News: Kail Lowry’s Last Name Change Attempt and Jenelle Evans’ Vegas Wheelchair Drama

News Pile: Kail Lowry Reveals She Tried to Change Son Isaac’s Last Name; Jenelle Evans Hits the Vegas Strip in a Wheelchair & More

From regretting their kids’ names to renting a wheelchair for attention an injury, it’s been a busy week for the stars/former stars of the Teen Mom franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom: The Next ChapterTeen Mom and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.

Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last week or so…

Kail Lowry Reveals She Tried to Convince Ex Jo Rivera to Change Their Son Isaac’s Last Name A Few Years Ago

“That certificate better say Isaac RIVERA!”

Kail có rất nhiều con…và rất nhiều trong số những đứa trẻ đó đã có rất nhiều họ trong nhiều năm. Tuy nhiên, Kail gần đây đã công khai về nỗ lực đổi tên mà cô đã thực hiện nhưng không thành công.

On this week’s episode of her Baby Mamas No Drama podcast, the former ‘Teen Mom 2’ star revealed that she regrets giving her oldest child, Isaac, the last name of his father, Jo. She also revealed that she recently tried to convince Jo to let her change Isaac’s last name to her own.

(As fan know, Kail currently has seven kids. In addition to Isaac, Kail and her current live-in boyfriend Elijah Scoot share twins Valley and Verse, as well as son Rio. She shares sons Lux and Creed with Chris Lopez, son Lincoln with her ex-husband Javi Marroquin.)

“I don’t regret giving Lincoln [the last name] Marroquin because I was married to his dad [Javi],” Kail said. “Lincoln hasn’t really shown any aversions to it. But because Jo and I weren’t married, I wish that Isaac was a Lowry because we weren’t married. Why did Jo get to have the last name and I didn’t? Or, I wish it was hyphenated.”

Kail— who co-hosts the podcast with Jo’s wife Vee Torres— admitted that she tried to convince Jo to let her change Isaac’s last name, but Jo was not having it.

How Vee probably looked during this conversation….

“When I brought up [changing Isaac’s last name] to Jo a few years ago, Jo was like, ‘Absolutely not. Not happening, not changing it,’” Kail said. “Isaac has expressed to me over the years that he wishes that he had either both [of our last names] or my mom’s maiden name [Irwin]. But I think that stems from how I talked about me wanting to be an Irwin, which was my mom’s last name.”

Kail went on to talk about how most of her kids ended up with different last names: Isaac’s is Rivera, Lincoln’s is Marroquin, Lux’s  is Lowry, Creed’s is Lowry-Lopez. (On TikTok, Kail stated that Rio and her twins have the last name “Lowry.”)

“If anyone is listening to this and [wondering] why is Lux a Lowry and Creed is a Lowry-Lopez, it’s because it was two different judges,” Kail said. “At the time when I changed Lux’s last name to Lowry, the judge ordered that.”

‘Teen Mom 2′ fans may remember that Kail initially gave Creed his father Chris’ last name of Lopez after he was born in 2020, but she later decided to change it too.

“Later, for Creed, a different judge in a different county said to hyphenate,” she said.

Last year, Chris opened up on social media about his feelings on having his sons’ last names changed by Kail.



“I ain’t gonna lie, Lux’s last name makes me cringe,” Chris said in June 2023 on Instagram Live. “It’s like a f**king shot to the heart when he says his last name. He’s the only one [of my kids] that doesn’t have my last name. So he be like, ‘Dad are you changing my last name?’

“…I definitely have plans to change it. Because he was born a Lopez. Originally he was born [with the last name] Lopez. We all know the truth; [Kail changed it] out of spite. [Kail] changed the name. That’s life.”

Back in 2021, Chris confirmed that Kail had changed Lux’s last name from Lopez to Lowry. A year earlier, Kail explained that she sometimes regretted giving Creed the last name Lowry-Lopez.


“There have been periods of time where I felt like he doesn’t deserve to have his last name passed down but … in a situation like this, I don’t know what’s right or wrong,” she said in 2020. “Maybe I should have just hyphenated both [of our kids’] names and called it a f**king day? When they’re old enough, they can decide which name they want. But I do feel like [getting the father’s last name] is earned.”

During this week’s podcast episode, Kail explained that last names are a sensitive topic for some people.

“Last names are tough because I do think they affect different families differently,” Kail said. “Some people don’t care and the kids never think about it. It’s just not a thing for them and they just don’t care. But then others are really affected by it.”

Just when you think Debra has run out of things to say about the tenant in her toilet and that the commode cacophony has come to an end, Debz OG fires off a final verse, revealing her plan to rid her restroom of the rat.  Jenelle Evans Hits the Vegas Strip While Being Pushed in a Wheelchair By Her On-Again Bestie Tori Rhyne

Jenelle, counting the number of payments she has left before she’s the proud owner of a wheelchair she doesn’t need.


Jenelle Evans is proving herself to be one HIGH! HIGH! high roller in Sin City. 

The rehired ‘Teen Mom’ star and current Las Vegas resident shared with followers in late June that she “jammed” her leg going down some two stairs, earning herself one trip to the ER, one MRI and, apparently, one good enough excuse to buy herself a wheelchair.  

While Jenelle revealed that she had only suffered a “Grade 1 ACL Sprain,” she insists the injury has made it “so hard for [her] to do anything” and is even claiming to “have muscle atrophy like others do when they stop walking on their leg.”

She’s also taken to the internet to complain about her sprain and how lonely she’s been in the weeks following her stair-fall fail.  



Fortunately for Jenelle– and her wheelchair, who was surely dying to make its debut on the Vegas Strip– she was feeling well enough to hit the town earlier this week with her BFF/noted drumstick aficionado Tori Rhyne. Fortunately for us, Jenelle chose to document much of the night out on social media, during which she made no effort to hide the fact that she’s still sticking to this wheelchair bit wheelchair bound.



Jenelle’s antics as of birth late have earned her plenty of backlash on social media, with some accusing her of milking her sprain, and others calling her Gypsy Rose Blanchard. 

In response to those doubting the seriousness of Jenelle’s injury, August Keen–- Jenelle’s lip-ringed manager/soulmate-in-training -– was quick to come to his girlfriend’s client’s defense on social media this week, insisting Jenelle isn’t wheeling and dealing around Las Vegas for the fun of it. 

“Jenelle has a severe ACL injury, she will start physical therapy this week for 6 weeks and if she is not healed they will need to perform ACL surgery,” August claimed. “Her ACL is stretched and she has lost the muscle in that leg, so now she is in a wheelchair until further notice. It is not something she can walk on at all. So not Jenelle is not exaggerating.” 

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